This was a very happy full of excitement and grace filled day for the whole school as we were united in the joy of being part of one unique body and belonging to the great Jesus and Mary family.
There was a lovely celebration of JM Day. In preparartion for JM Day the students of the junior and senior school did St. Claudine’s life during their value education classes.The teachers and students had prepared beautiful items about her life and values. The junior school depicted the values of St. Claudine. The pupils showed their love for St. Claudine through action songs, drama skit, speech and dance etc.
The children sang St. Claudine’s hymn in Urdu. “Tere Sath Ay Maa Claudine” in actions. The students of class 4 did a play on the last prayer and only desire of her dear Brothers at that solemn hour, ” Courage, Glady, forgive as we forgive.”
The students from the senior section with “Bungra”performed two hundred years.
Keeping the 3rd priority in mind the children of classes 6 and 7 performed a dance with the song ” The earth is my home”. Afterwards the pupils performed Gospel Drama.” Youth’s temptation towards worldly things”
Last but not the least the students of classes 9 and 10 sang a new hymn of St. Claudine composed by our school teacher Miss Samina Afzal for this special jubilee year. The words are “Khushion ka yeah waqt hy aiya. Khushiyan manayn sary.”
After that we thanked God for the gift of St. Claudine, prayed for all the JM Sisters and Students all over the world and for each one in the School.
“Praised for ever be Jesus and Mary “. Amen