200JM > Actividades > BICENTENARY CELEBRATION – J M DAY at Marol, Mumbai, INDIA

The words – «How good God is» resounded in the ears of the Johannians as they celebrated the Bicentenary of the foundation of the congregation of the religious sisters of Jesus and Mary. A week prior to this the whole school was a buzz with activity – making of decorations, practices for value based skits, dances, power point presentations and much more were the happenings of the week.

The 13th Nov was indeed a Red Letter day in the life of the Jesus and Mary sisters. Staff and students dressed in their best and bubbling with enthusiasm were all geared to make it a memorable day. It was a well planned event.

The morning’s program which commenced at 9:00 a.m. was telecast from the school library. The entire school viewed the entertainment put up for them on the screens of the Inter-active-boards installed in their classrooms. There was joy and excitement radiating from the faces of the participants. During the show, every student of the school was given a packet of snacks which they happily munched away.

At about 10.30 a.m. there was a short break, after which the catholic students assembled in the church for a solemn celebration of the Holy Mass. The entrance procession added to the solemnity as little girls danced up to the sanctuary to the tune of DhanyaDhanyaDhanya .. … … Claudine Thevenet.

Five priests along with the main celebrant Rev. Fr Clement of Lima (Parish Priest) concelebrated the Mass. The entire congregation comprising of invitees, staff and students of the school, well wishers and parishioners joined in thanking the sisters for their dedicated service not only in the school but also in the parish of St.John the Evangelist. The liturgy was well prepared and the hymns well selected to suit the occasion. This was followed by the Guard of Honor, the entourage included the students council, followed by the priests, the nuns, invitees and staff, all being led to the hall by the beat of the drums. The hall was a sight to behold with floral sprays clinging to the pillars. The statue of St. Claudine was placed prominently on stage.

Shania the head girl of the school acted as St. Claudine herself and gave an inspiring talk on her life. This was followed by song and dance and the distribution of cake and wine.

The ambience was perfect and the program enthralling. The snacks and lunch was a grand affair. The sisters of Jesus and Mary played perfect host to one and all. As a token of appreciation, mementos of calendars and pen were distributed to the staff and the invitees. Mr. Victoria expressed his gratitude to all those who supported them in making the day to grand one.

Kudos to the sisters of Jesus and Mary and the staff and students of St John the Evangelist School. An event like this will surely go down into the books of the sisters as a great and memorable one.